Hurdy-gurdy Mailing Lis - Archive Directory

Our deepest thanks to Maxou Heintzen for this fabulous photograph, taken at Saint-Cloud near Paris on June 23, 1957. The four players, from left to right: Gérard Delord; Gaston Guillemain; Georges Charbonnier, who was a bagpipe maker in Nohant-Vic; Marcel Soing, who was a hurdy-gurdy builder in La Châtre. The photographer is unknown.

The following are the archives of the Hurdy-gurdy Mailing List, sponsored by Alden and Cali Hackmann of Olympic Musical Instruments. For how to subscribe or unsubscribe, the rules of the list, and other administrative stuff about it, please see the HG List Page.

The archives have been edited for brevity and to keep the flow of the conversation apparent. Typically, replies to earlier posts included the earlier material in its entirety, and I've removed these duplicates to make it easier to follow the interactions. Sometimes I've removed entire posts or threads if they were not germane to the list's subject.

In an attempt to protect the list members from the spam-bots, all email addresses have been modified to replace the @ symbol with the word _at_.

1999 Archives
  August September October November December
2000 Archives
January February March April May June
July August September October November December
2001 Archives
January February March April May June
July August September October November December
2002 Archives
January February March April May June
July August September October November December
2003 Archives
January February March April May June
July August September October November December



Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae. Please contact us if you have comments or questions about this page or other pages on this site.

Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments

© Copyright 2003, 2005, Olympic Musical Instruments.