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Case options

Our soft case is made of padded Cordura to protect the instrument from damage. It comes with a shoulder strap and a handy outer pocket to hold cotton, rosin, and other supplies. Our cases are custom made for us. Custom colors and color schemes are available for an additional charge.

A custom made hard case is also available. The advantage of the hard case is the additional protection it gives the instrument. The disadvantages are the cost, the weight, and the difficulty in flying with one. Before you decide on a hard case, we suggest reading the Guidelines for Flying with a Hurdy-gurdy.

For the prices on these options, see the pricelist. To return to the options of the instrument you were looking at, use the "Back" button in your web browser.




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Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.

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