Hurdy-gurdy Models and Supplies
We Are No Longer Building
We regret that we are no longer taking orders for any models. Our friends and competitors at Hurdy Gurdy Crafters
are also no longer taking orders. We recommend finding a hurdy-gurdy in Europe, especially our dear friends Chris
Allen and Sabine Kormylo. There is one
"maker" in the US, but we cannot recommend them.
Past Models
The models shown are the instruments we have made in the
past, and may again in the future.
- Volksgurdy
- This is our most popular full size model, with the features of a
French style hurdy-gurdy. It has an economical yet ergonomic body design.
- Chinook model - $2800
- This production model is a perfect introductory instrument with five
strings. It's a cross between the modern look and materials of the Orca
and the body style of the Volksgurdy. It is popular for beginning players
for its comfort and playability.
- Luteback model hurdy-gurdy
- This is a traditional large French style hurdy-gurdy, typical of
the classic design of the 19th century Jenzat masters.
- Baroque guitar style hurdy-gurdy
- This classic model is based on the works of the Baroque masters of
Paris, Versailles and Mirecourt.
- Renaissance style hurdy-gurdy
- This design was popular in the 16th and 17th century, and was the
style played by the musicians who introduced the hurdy-gurdy to the
court of France.
- Minstrel model hurdy-gurdy
- This is the perfect choice for a travel instrument. It is compact,
easy to maintain, and very stable. It has a very large sound for such
a small instrument. The key spacing is the same as for our larger models,
so you can move easily to a larger instrument at a later time.
- Bosch model hurdy-gurdy
- A historical model based on the design shown in Hieronymous Bosch's
painting, drawn by hurdy-gurdy master Marcello Bono.
- Orca model hurdy-gurdy
- A great choice for an introductory instrument, this was our earlier
production model. It has a modern design with modern materials for stability
and adjustability.
- Flights of Fancy
- Some of the ideas we've had for the instruments that we haven't had
an opportunity to try yet. See if one of them is the hurdy-gurdy you
just can't live without.
Please contact us if you have comments or questions
about this page or other pages on this site.
Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments
Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.
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